to be eager to do something - to be keen or motivated to do something
a doom - a terrible fate, a catastrophe, a disaster
an arduous journey- an onerous or hard journey
1.This new route enticed travelers.....
entice- to attract by exiting desire; allure; inveigle;
2.Sarah Keyes was so sick with consumption that....
consumption- tuberculosis of the lung
3.....less than adequate for the 600 mile trek still ahead
trek- to travel or migrate, especially slowly or with difficulty.
1.It was this falsified information that...
falsifiy---spread the completely different information
2.the position was assumed by a man named...
assume---be responsible to, or control something
3.the disillusioned party's resentment of...
A quicker way of getting somewhere than the usual route. into
Meet someone unexpectedly.
Something is slightly wet.
The terrible ordeals of caravan continued to mount
ordeal- an experience that is very painful , difficult
mount- to increase in amount or level
to recruit more men and supplies for the rescue
recruit- to persuade someone to become a new member of an organization
The first relief party soon left with 23 refugees.
refugee-an exile who flees for safety
They retraced their steps...
retrace-to go back over again
Morale began to sink...
morale- the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed
The letter successfully allayed any fears that…
allay: lessen the intensity of fair
Here they came to a halt when they found a
note from…
halt: stop moving in the direction they
were going .
James Reed, along with two other men forged
ahead on horses to catch up with Hastings.
forge ahead: accelerate and go ahead(Becky)
1.two wagons became entangled...
entangled-(adj) something become caught or twisted firmly with something such as rope, wire, or net. to banish him...
banish-(verb) sent away someone from a place or area of activity and prevent the person from entering it again. It is a kind of punishment.
3.caching their provisions in Bear Valley...
provision-(noun) when it is in the plural form, it means supplies of food and drink, especially for a long journey.
1.sentence:What they didn't know was that the desert sand was moist and deep,where wagons quickly got bogged down.
to be/get bogged down---cause to get stuck as if in a mire
2.sentence:When they finally reached the end of the grueling desert five days later.
grueling---physically or mentally demanding to the point of exhaustion.
3.sentence:Ominously, snow powdered the mountain peaks that very night.
ominously---something which is menacing and threatening
1. Many of those who survived lost toes to frostbite.
to injure by frost or extreme cold.
2. were soon stranded in a blinding snow to be left in a dangerous place
3. the others resorted to cannibalism.
eating people's flesh.
( Kevin)
1.As the disillusionment of the party increased,tempers began to flare in the group.
flare-to make something shiny.In the text,it means the imagination of tempers brought by the disillusionment of the party is haunting in people's head. large group of travelers.
3.The very next day(very)-use this word "very" to emphasize time when something noticeable happened.
1. In nine brand new wagons, the group estimated the trip would take four months to cross the plains, deserts, mountain ranges and rivers in their quest for California.
Quest — a long search for something that is difficult to find
2. In the bottom of Jacob Donner's saddlebag was a copy of Lansford Hasting's Emigrant Guide, with its tantalizing talk of a faster route to the garden of the earth.
Tantalizing — making you feel a desire to have or do something
3. Having traveled an extra 125 miles through strenuous mountain terrain and dry desert, the disillusioned party's resentment of Hastings, and ultimately, Reed, was increased tremendously.
Strenuous — needing a lot of effort or strength
1. Virginia dubbed it "The Pioneer Palace Car".
-to give something or someone a particular name, especially describing what you think of them
2. save the pioneers 350-400 miles on easy terrain.
-an area of land, when considering its natural features
3. passed south of the Great Salt Lake instead of detouring northwest via Fort Hall
- a different or indirect route to a place, that is used to avoid a problem or to visit somewhere or do something
crack their whips - hit animals with a strip of leather
jumping-off point - a place from which to start a journey
cling to - stick to something
hastily - quickly, rashly;
chisel - point-tool for working with wood;
bias - opinion based on prejudice
1.It was this falsified information that would let lead to the doom of the Donner Party.
Doom is a terrible future state or event which you cannot prevent.
2.Taking eight oxen to pull the luxurious wagon, Reed's 12-year-old daughter Virginia dubbed it "The Pioneer Palace Car".
An ox is a bull that has been castrated. Oxen are used in some countries for pulling vehicles or carrying things.
3.Taking eight oxen to pull the luxurious wagon, Reed's 12-year-old daughter Virginia dubbed it "The Pioneer Palace Car".
Someone who is referred to pioneer in a particular area of activity is one of the first people to be involved in it and develop it.
if someone or something tantalizes you, they make you feel hopeful and excited
about getting what you want, usually before disappointing, usually before disappointing
you by not letting you have what they appeared to offer.
give the description or name of something.
Something such as troubles, violence or conflict starts or becomes more
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