Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Historical Background (page 12)

1. archaeological → excavate things from ancient times and use them to explain prehistoric people and their cultures.

2. era → a long period of time

3. trowel → small hand tool with a handle and a flat mental blade used for digging

4. cache → a secret storage of valuables


5.roam→to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction

6.corrider→a long narrow strip of land  similar to an enclosed passage way

7.fluted→(adjective)which refers to the shallow grooves running vertically along a surface

8.spear→a long pointed rod used as a weapon


9.artifact→something made by man, especially means historical or cultural things

10.millennia→a period time of one thousand years

11.chert→a variety of silica containing microcrystalline quartz

12.quarry→a place where people can get a large amount of stone or rock


13.flake →a small fragment of something broken off from the hole

14.paleo- → pre-history, old

15.charcoal → a carbon material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air

16.soaring → the activity of flying a glider


17.seminal → used to describe things such as books, works, events, and experiences that have a great influence in a particular field.

18.bountiful → abundance

19.terrain → a piece of ground having specific characteristics

20.Garden of Eden → any place of complete bliss, delight and peace


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