Wednesday, August 6, 2014

3 questions and their answers (Julia)

1.) Why was Peter surprised that his car was stolen? Name two reasons.

Possible answers: old car, a car with a stick shift, very small or close parking lot

2.) Why does Julia Morgan play an important role in the history of California? 

Answer: Julia Morgan plays an important role because she was one of the first women who graduated at the University of California at Berkeley. She was the first women who had a license to practice architecture in California (in 1904). Moreover she built up several buildings for women's colleges and feminist organizations. Probably she has been Americas most successful female architect.

3.) Vocabulary:

1.) exhilarating
2.) exterior
3.) prolific

4.) best (verb)
5.) philanthropic
6.) pronounced
7.) glitch

8.) a tranquil situation 
9.) rotundas 
10.) minarets

a.) tower of a mosque, where the muezzins call out to prayer
b.) something make people feel very happy and excited (adj)
c.) To beat someone in the game of match
d.) clear, strongly marked
e.) a round building
f.) outside the surface (adj)
g.) problem, malfunction
h.) restful, peaceful, calm situation
i.) generous, goodhearted
j.) to describe somebody or something create many things (adj)

Answer: 1b, 2f, 3j, 4c, 5i, 6d, 7g, 8h, 9e, 10a

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